
The International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO’13) is the fifth of the series of conferences and provides an international forum for presentations and discussion of research in all areas of science and engineering involving the modeling and simulation of processes and systems. The first conference was held at the American University of Sharjah (UAE) in 2005, the second was held at the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi (UAE) in 2007, the third was held again at American University of Sharjah in 2009 and the fourth was organized in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2011. The ICMSAO’13, dedicated to the memory of Steering Committee Member Professor Ibrahim Sadek, will feature contributed as well as invited papers concerned with the modeling, simulation and applied optimization fields.

The conference also includes BEST PAPER AWARD given for papers presented at the conference. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. All accepted and presented papers will be published in IEEEXplore.  Selected papers will be published in one or more special issues of reputed, abstracted, and indexed journals.

Should you have any questions about the organization of this event, please contact icmsao13@gmail.com